Hamid daneshvar
1 min readNov 29, 2018

Minimal Risks

Full Repayment of funds for the loans that were given including the interest without delays. The collateral automatic monitoring system.

Worldwide Coverage

International audience of borrowers removes borders in granting loans.

No Limits

The minimum loan amount is 50 USD, and the maximum amount and number of active loans is limited only by your budget.

Variety of Currencies

The loan can be given in any available currency.

No Obstacles

Any individual or legal entity can become a lender without any licenses.

Reliability and Safety

Fully legal status and protected infrastructure ensure the security of funds. The company is licensed in Europe as a financial institution.

Advantages for Borrowers

Preserving Cryptoassets

Now there is no need to sell cryptoassets if you need fiat money.

Convenient Ways of Depositing/Withdrawing Funds

Loans can be quickly withdrawn by a bank transfer or to any bank card.

No Credit Checks

There is no need to check out the credit history and prove your payment capacity.

Flexible Lending Terms and Conditions

Individual estimation of risks and selection of lending terms and conditions allow getting a loan under optimum terms and conditions.

Variety of Fiat Currencies

Loans can be obtained in any available currency.